Ongoing Work 

The following summaries describe the OIG's ongoing work through its audits, inspections, and intelligence oversight reviews.



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Project NameProject Description
Special Study of the Process to Purge Signals Intelligence Data from NSA Source Systems of RecordThe objective of this review is to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of NSA’s process to find, and quarantine or remove, unauthorized or otherwise noncompliant SIGINT data completely, reliably, and in a timely manner in accordance with legal and policy requirements.
Limited Scope Evaluation of NSA’s Rules Based Targeting (RBT) ControlsThe objective of the evaluation is to determine whether NSA’s RBT controls are performing efficiently, effectively, and in a manner that complies with NSA’s SIGINT collection authorities.
Limited-Scope Evaluation of Mission Correlation Table DataThe objective of the evaluation is to test the effectiveness of controls for Mission Correlation Table (MCT) data, including, for example, assigning mission authorities, location, and members to an MCT; managing MCT and mission member entitlements; granting mission members access to signals intelligence data in NSA repositories; and administering MCT roles and responsibilities.
Inspectors General of the IC and NSA Joint Review of Management and Intelligence Oversight at the Intelligence Community Advanced Campaign Cell (ACC)The objective of this joint review by the Inspectors General of the IC and the NSA is to determine whether management and intelligence oversight of the IC ACC ensures that processes and procedures are in place to conduct operations that comply with IC and DoD policies. The joint review will present any issues to the Director of National Intelligence and the Director, NSA for resolution, as appropriate.
Evaluation of the Procedures for Continental U.S. (CONUS) Wireless Signals Testing and TrainingThe objective of the evaluation is to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of procedures for conducting wireless signals collection testing and training in CONUS facilities and the degree to which those procedures ensure compliance with the laws, directives, and policies that protect civil liberties and individual privacy.
Evaluation of a Targeting System’s Control Framework for Domestic and Foreign Partner Targeting SystemsThe objective of the evaluation is to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of a targeting system’s control framework as it relates to domestic and foreign partner targeting systems, with emphasis on NSA’s handling of partner targeting requests. The evaluation will also examine how NSA prepares some targeting requests prior to sending them to partner targeting systems, as well as evaluate the targeting system’s internal controls and the degree to which those controls ensure compliance with the laws, directives, and policies that protect civil liberties and individual privacy.
Evaluation of NSA’s LEGALEAGLE System Enrollment, Data Ingest, and Decision-Logic ProcessesThe objectives of the evaluation are to determine the effectiveness of NSA’s process for identifying and registering systems, ensuring the integrity of ingested records, validating the decision-logic processes, and validating the effectiveness of LEGALEAGLE’s operations and associated controls in ensuring compliance with the laws, directives, and policies that protect civil liberties and individual privacy.
Evaluation of NSA’s Implementation of Title I FISA AuthorityThe objective of the evaluation is to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the Agency's implementation of Title I FISA authority, to include evaluating compliance with the applicable targeting and minimization procedures as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of the controls designed to reasonably ensure the protection of individual civil liberties and privacy rights.
Limited Scope Evaluation of United States Person (USP) Identifiers Used to Query against FAA Section 702 DataThe objective of this evaluation is to assess the effectiveness of the internal controls used to protect USP privacy rights by determining whether NSA analysts are appropriately documenting the foreign intelligence purpose and using approved USP identifiers as query terms against FAA Section 702 data, in accordance with FAA Section 702 query procedures.
Joint DHS/NSA OIG Evaluation of Cyber Intrusion Prevention EffortsIn 2020, global cyber intrusions, such as SolarWinds Orion, breached public and private sector networks, including U.S. Government agencies. The objective of this evaluation is to assess the actions taken by NSA and DHS in advance of, or in connection with, recent intrusions into U.S. Government and private sector networks.